Here are some words that
Need to be sung
Could use to be played
Might be helped with a tune.
So if you know a singer songwriter,
Tell them this song’s for hire.
He comes to this land
With little but busy hands,
Sharp mind and desire
To have a good life.
So if you want a dreamer,
This boy’s for hire.
Give me your tired your poor
The stiff lady in the harbor beckons.
They flock in by ship
And by planes and by feet
Doing work few others want.
This country’s for hire.
Look at them on your screens,
Hear what they have to say.
These messages cost lots of money,
And they’re all trying to appeal to you.
Figure out who might be telling truth,
This election’s winner is for hire.
He looks far and wide
For ways to make it happen.
Nothing’s impossible
Or too hard, too big or too small.
So if you need to get it done,
This guy’s for hire.
Writing something that makes sense
But sounds to others like nonsense.
It’s fact, it’s fiction, it’s poetry, it’s literature.
What difference does it make?
Just enjoy the sound and flow of the words,
This writer’s for hire.
Freedom of speech
For all citizens rich or poor,
In various forums and media.
But that also implies the right to be wrong
And believe what you want to believe.
This truth’s for hire.
Words and pictures congregate on phones and tablets
And computers with little and big screens.
Some are offensive and others reassuring
So pick the ones you like and deny the others.
Eventually you see what you want to be believe.
This newsfeed’s for hire.
The day’s newspapers are delivered
To the building’s varied residents.
Local papers, out-of-town papers,
Religious publications, gossip sheets.
They’re all there for anyone to read.
These eyes are for hire.
I think so but I’m not sure,
Maybe possibly perhaps possibly maybe.
My gut tells me so, but my head’s not sure.
It’s just a sense I have somewhere,
Something in me just tells me.
This feeling’s for hire.
To want and be wanted
And embrace and be cared for.
Isn’t that what’s it all about?
But often there’s a price to pay,
Compromises and sacrifices to make.
This love’s for hire.
So, there are some words that
Need to be sung
Could use to be played
Might be helped with a tune.
So if you know a singer songwriter
Tell them this song’s for hire.
Copyright 2020, Charles A. Bruns