Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Love the Sea, See the Love

The boy looked out at the sea
and saw a lighthouse.
Beyond its beacon he could imagine
his home, his brother, his mother.
He loved that sea dearly.
It was a direct path to everything
he longed for, for all he missed,
and love that awaited him.

The sea was also his best friend, 
always there day and night,
bringing him all kinds of joy.
It refreshed him, it played with him,
at times it even fed him.

But the sea was also tempestuous,
dancing wickedly with stormy rains,
knocking against his door with anger,
once even climbing inside his room
and sweeping away some toys.
It was like the father he remembered,
all playful and attentive one day,
then angry and furious the next.

But the sea did not leave him. 
It returned, calmed down 
and ready to play, refresh and feed, 
like the good women in his life.
And there were many good women.

His aunt, grandmother and mother 
and others, all took turns
to bring him back to the sea.
They waded in its waters with him,
playing and laughing with joy
as he jumped the waves 
or dove under its currents,
the silky sand under his soft feet.

But none was lovelier than the one
he married and raised their family with.
Many years she would jump right in
to share in his joy of the sea,
and see the boy who was also her man.

His eyes still sparkle by the sea, 
his wife often beside him.
He likes to watch her face 
as she relaxes under the sun, 
the sound of the surf and children
playing around them.
When he closes his eyes, 
he sees the lighthouse, feels the joy.

When he opens his eyes,
he smiles and remembers how much
he still loves the sea. 
He turns to look at his wife,
and sees a love as warm as the sun.

--Charles Bruns, copyright 2017